Last updated on December 27th, 2020
The Burr Trail (originally a route developed to move sheep) quickly becomes amazing, as a series of sharp switchbacks take us 800 feet to the top of the Waterpocket Fold itself. The view is spectacular.
Once over the fold, the landscape flattens out around us, the rocky fold just visible behind us, the solid red rock wall of the plateau rising in the distance.
The route takes us up to, through, and over that wall through stunning red rock canyons before delivering us to Highway 12 at Boulder.
In Boulder we take a quick lunch break and then head for Anasazi Indian Village State Park. The displays at this small park are ideal for interesting kids in archaeology, but it provides a only a brief diversion for us. (Although there is some nice shopping in the museum shop, with it’s well-chosen stock of Indian jewelry).
Soon we are off on Scenic Highway 12.
Highway 12 between Boulder and Escalante is amazing as the road twists through narrow canyons and up to scenic overlooks that provide rather startling views back down into those canyons. The area around Calf Creek, with its tight twisting canyons, is particularly splendid. I wish we had more time to spend here.
Down on the plain again, we pass the turn-off to Kodachrome Basin State Park, but do not stop. The sky is gloriously clear and the sun is starting to drop (the light would be beautiful), but we have already done a lot of driving today. We’ll save Kodachrome for another day.